Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Follow Jesus

As I read the Scripture, I am struck by the number of times that God asked, no, commanded someone to follow Him. Picture Abram in Genesis 12, hearing God say ‘leave everything and go to the land I will show you.’ The call was simple, Abram’s response was pretty immediate, and he and Sarai had to completely restructure their lives around the call. And... let's not forget that Abraham wasn't told where to go, how long it would take to get there, or really the whole map. He was told, "Go to the end of the driveway and make a left," (Josh's paraphrase) "and I'll tell you where your next turn is."

Or, let's imagine Matthew sitting at his tax collecting booth, doing his work, and making money. Without any introduction or explanation, a stranger walks up to him and says, “Follow Me.” Jesus doesn’t tell Matthew His name, where He’s going, or what life will be like when they get there. He simply says, “Follow Me,” and Matthew simply gets up and follows. Now, what amazes me is this: Matthew doesn't ask, "Who are You?" or any of the questions that would enter a "thinking" person's head. He just gets up and leaves with Jesus.

I read about these people in Scripture, and I’m astounded. Now more than ever before, I wonder if I would have the same faith to stand up, pick up my cross, and follow without a question. And now more than ever, as Christ says, “Follow Me,” I am drawn to fall in step right behind Him. Difficult? Yes. Ultimately rewarding? I guarantee it. You see, I'm a control freak. I like to think I'm master of my own destiny sometimes. Yes, I know that's deluded, but allow me my delusions for a moment, will ya? I am the Chief of control freaks. So for me to follow Christ to the end of the driveway and make a left, my pregnant wife, my pre-born son, my dogs, and my stuff in tow, is a huge step... no, shoot-me-out-of-a-cannon leap of faith. I wonder at times if my faith is strong enough for such steps. You might as well shoot me to the moon... at least the way it feels sometimes.

We're preparing to make a move... Kristi and I are coming to the end of our time in Fairfield. That being said, it could be the summer (post-Caleb's birth) before we officially leave. It all depends on job and income issues. During our final weeks here, we will want to share as much time with our church family and friends as possible. While bringing closure to our ministry here will be difficult, we know we’re surrounded by love and prayers in this time of transition. And I'm pretty pumped to watch and see what God has in store for FBC, Fairfield through the coming of this new family to lead this church's worship ministry forward. May God bless us all as we look for where He is moving and fall right in line behind Him.

Christ has said "Follow Me." Will you fall in?

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